Wednesday 25 February 2015

Forwarding Address

Just as I was thinking about reviving this blog I receive an email from blogger informing me that they will no longer allow certain sexually explicit content as from March 23rd. As I’m not really sure what they consider as sexually explicit (but they probably won't like the pics of naked subs) I guess it’s better for me to start moving my content now.

It'll probably take me a while to  set up shop the way I want to over there but here's where you'll find me from now on:

What annoys me the most about Google's U-turn is that there may be blogs that I won't be able to access again in the future. I'm thinking particularly of saratoga's excellent blog "On Female Dominance of the male" even though there have been no new posts since December 2011 when he stopped posting, leaving a caretaker in place to keep it alive. I hope a solution will be found to avoid it being lost forever.